Here is Part II of my RH Eco Life makeover. This set has 22 items including windows, doors, and several decorative objects. As usual each item comes in all ten RH wood finishes plus multiple accent variations. Enjoy ? Note: Unzip the file and only put the .package...
Hello Lovelies! Here are 17 (yes, s e v e n t e e n ) build items from Eco Lifestyle all spruced up (and in some cases distressed) in my Restoration Hardware wood finishes. Each item comes in all ten wood tones with the option of dark or light accents as well as...
I love these windows from the Eco Lifestyle pack but I immediately wished for a version with see-through glass. So voila! For starters, here are both the short and medium height windows in the original EA colours (plus a bonus white one). I’m thinking of...
Here is the Eco Lifestyle outdoor sofa in some new swatches ( I kept the original wood tones). I removed the EA “burlap” graphics and added some simple, neutral options as well as some new patterns. Here is a basic before-and-after:...
Sul Sul!
I’m a long-time Simmer from Vancouver, Canada, sharing custom content that I make for my own game. My specialty is creating maxis-match recolours. A designer IRL, I love bright, clean lines, detailed textures, and colourful patterns.